Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why Love?

Do you think there were certain traits about Erica that led Changez to her?


  1. Yes. Erica and Changez were both very mysterious characters. Changez knew he was very good at reading people, and I think it really intrigued him that he couldn't read Erica. He didn't always know how to act around her, and I feel like that they both liked that. I think Changez enjoyed meeting someone that he couldn't figure out. He seemed like he was used to getting what he wanted out of relationships easily, and with Erica he couldn't do that.

  2. I definitely agree with Julie. In so many ways, Erica was everything Changez wasn't. She was from New York's elite socioeconomic class, and he was from a more traditional, close-knit Pakistani family from Lahore. As mentioned, Changez seemed to be able to understand everyone around him, yet Erica remained a mystery to him, which was what intrigued him so much.

  3. I agree that where Changez and Erica came from had so much to do with how they acted. Except, Erica didn't really act like she was from a wealthy family with a fancy New York apartment. The apartment seemed to be a big culture shock for Changez. I think the it was the same vice versa as well. Erica seemed fascinated by Changez's Pakistani-ness, and didn't fully understand it. Changez grew up in a much different environment than Erica did.

  4. I agree with both of you, but I almost felt like they were more similar than different. Erica was as respectful as Changez and they both appreciated the simplier things in life. Erica seemed to complete him because they were more alike.

  5. I think that these characters were both in need of someone who was willing to try to understand them. This is possibly why they were attracted. I think that Changez and Erica are both misunderstood throughout the story and they like to lean back on each other because the other isn't judgemental.

  6. I agree with Margaret that Erica and Changez seem more drawn to eachother because of the way they are the same. But in the beginning it looks like Changez is only interested in her because of her body, which isn't that big of surprise because he is a man. And maybe Erica is drawn to him because he doesn't remind her of Chris.

  7. It is very true that what attracked Changez to Erica was her body. But I think the more he learned about her life and her problems, the more he wanted to help her and wanted to be the one who helped her recover. I think what kept Changez so interested in Erica was the fact that she needed help. He wanted to be the one to make her feel better, the one to put her life back together.
